Prof. Dr. Simon Koschut
Principal Investigator
Mail: simon.koschut@zu.de
Short Vita
I am a Professor of International Security at Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen. My research interest lies in International Relations, in particular regional security governance, norms, and emotions in world politics. Previously, I held positions at Freie Universität Berlin, Harvard University’s Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, San Francisco State University, and the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg. I completed both my PhD and my Habilitation in Political Science at the University of Potsdam.
What I find exciting about this research initiative
This research initiative will improve our understanding of the social interaction dynamics that promote or undermine social cohesion. I am excited to join this group of scholars from various disciplines and institutions to work together on causes and solutions for social cohesion because my research profile both benefits from and contributes to the combination of a disciplinary anchoring with an interdisciplinary way of thinking and working. In my research, I work closely with colleagues from sociology, history and psychology. I am currently working on a book project that combines ritual theory with intergroup emotions theory to explain how social cohesion is made possible among NATO members.
What my discipline can contribute to this research initiative
The discipline of International Relations revolves around different conceptions and contains key insights into how political order can be achieved beyond the state. This requires a more fundamental understanding of the mechanisms of social cohesion that underpins global political order. Social cohesion in international organizations, transnational groups, and global civil society adds a significant macro-level perspective to the project. What is particularly interesting is the study of the multiple links between local, state, and global actors and how this contributes to various forms of social cohesion at different levels.