Julia Witton
Student Assistant
Mail: julia.witton@hu-berlin.de
Website: www.psychologie.hu-berlin.de
Short Vita
Alongside my master’s programme in psychology at Freie Universität Berlin, I work as a student research assistant at the Humboldt University’s Chair of Personality Psychology. In the project, I am part of the research group Individuals and Networks.
What I find exciting about this research initiative
Perhaps more than ever, our generation faces challenges affecting social cohesion. As a result, there are risks to our democracy, to the way we deal with urgent problems and ultimately, to our peaceful co-existence. This interdisciplinary research project offers the opportunity to examine the underlying dynamics from a wide variety of perspectives and using a range of methodological approaches. I see it as an opportunity to gain a broad and in-depth understanding of these complex interrelationships.
What my discipline can contribute to this research initiative
Psychology offers empirically well investigated theories concerning the thinking, feeling and behaviour of individuals as well as of people who belong to – or are excluded from – groups. It supports the understanding of fundamental and situational human needs and the consequences of not satisfying these those. This understanding may also form the basis and starting point for the promotion of social cohesion.