Online workshop with partners from civil society organizations
In May 2021, our project hosted the kick-off online workshop with our civil society partners. All partners and team members got to know each other and we exchanged ideas about our research program and future collaboration.
Partners within civil society
We are glad to have partnered with a broad variety of civil society initiatives to engage in transdisciplinary research and knowledge exchange. All of our partners deal with pressing challenges and cleavages in contemporary societies. The following individuals and organizations took part in our kick-off workshop:
- Klimaallianz Deutschland
- Aktionsbündnis gegen Gewalt, Rechtsextremismus und Fremdenfeindlichkeit Brandenburg
- Joana Breidenbach von
- Bundesnetzwerk Bürgerschaftliches Engagement
- Gisela Erler (Staatsrätin a.D. für Zivilgesellschaft und bürgerschaftliches Engagement in Baden-Württemberg)
Further exchange
As part of their presentation, the representatives of the various organizations illustrated their understandings of and perspectives on the role of civil society for social cohesion, outlined their research interests from a practice-oriented standpoint and made critical contributions for our future collaboration. The workshop clearly showed how well different perspectives from a diverse range of scientific disciplines and practitioners in civil society can complement each other. Future events with a different thematic focus will then address the most important issues raised on this kickoff workshop.